Helpkey IT Support & Consultancy :: London

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Specification and Quotation Service

Have you recently had a quotation for IT supplies or services and found it unexpectedly high?

Most people are not confident with IT specifications and current market prices; they simply want to pay a fair amount for services and products that they actually need. Here is where I can give you peace of mind, by running an extensive price-check and highlighting anything that is overpriced or unnecessary.

All services @ Helpkey are offered under two main support structures.

Specification Check and Quotation Service continued

This is where Helpkey can really help you with your IT budget! The concept is very easy... we know the IT market and source our products directly from manufacturers and distributors. Our structure is so reasonably sized that we don't need to make huge margins to keep us running and out customers see the benefit of this in our prices.

This service is available to you for a fixed price and Helpkey will guarantee to save you money by ordering from the right source and with more reasonable margins. In most cases you will find a quotation from Helpkey being 10-20% cheaper than any other IT provider in the area.

Please click on the following link for information on IT support contracts, where you will also find current rates.

Why do you need external IT support? In today's world of complex IT solutions, intense competition and global expansion, many organizations have come to realize that they can't do everything. They need to focus on management and core areas of expertise. Through the exploitation of Remote Technology, Helpkey aims to let customers focus on business development and generating income streams, rather than dedicating valuable time and money on an internal IT team. Click to find out if Helpkey can cover your area...

Why should you trust Helpkey? I am a freelance IT Support Professional with 10+ years of experience in helping small to medium companies maintain and expand their Information Technology infrastructure in line with their growth. I can offer exceptional response times to urgent problems whilst also being able to offer short ‘blocks’ of time on site rather than the more normal whole day charges operated by larger consultancies. I do not operate through any agencies which means that you will always deal with the same person. This also means that I can offer more competitive rates than larger company based consultants.

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